  • Phone : +91-8905337070, 9829038443
  • Opening Time : 8:00am-2:00pm
  • Address : 1-Block, Sector-D, Shrinathpuram, Kota-324010

Our School Fecilities

We believe that our students need to learn that the secret of success and contentment lies in discovering one's own strengths as well as limitations.

Active Learning

Active learning methods ask students to fully participate in their learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. In active learning classrooms, students may be asked to practice skills, solve problems, struggle with complex questions, propose solutions, and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion. Research indicates that active learning methods are especially effective for student learning, when compared to classes that primarily consist of lecturing.

Expert Teachers

Expert teachers have deeper representations about teaching and learning.Expert teachers adopt a problem solving stance to their work.

Strategi Location

Transport & Bus facility from all parts of kota city

Sports Activities

Sports are one of the key factors for the personality development of a child. Therefore, we make sure that the child gets ample of time for various sports activities which will help them in becoming a disciplined and healthy individual in life.